
Bordentown Annual Street Fair

  • 05/20/2023
  • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Farnsworth Ave

Please visit Bordentown City on Saturday, May 20th (rain date May 21st), from 10am to 4pm for our annual Street Fair - always a GREAT event. The BHS will have a table in front of the Meeting House (302 Farnsworth Ave) and we will be selling all sorts of cool stuff!!

We have really nice promotional items for sale and the Meeting House and our fantastic Joseph Bonaparte exhibit will be open from 11am - 4pm.

We'll also be celebrating the 200th birthday of world famous, self taught artist and Bordentown City resident, Susan C. Waters (1823-1900). We'll have information about Susan and, on display in the Meeting House,  and there will be 3 of her incredible paintings. One of these Susan Waters paintings was recently donated to the BHS by Peter Tucci, the Schino Family, and Bonnie and Steve. It's a large, very beautiful seascape. Please visit the Meeting House and take a look.

We'll also be celebrating the 142nd anniversary of the founding of the American Red Cross by Clara Barton! I'm told that Clara herself (aka Bonnie Goldman) will be there!!

Finally, in addition to our promotional items, we'll be selling, as a fund raiser, Osage Orange Tree seedlings. The Osage Orange is a very historic tree and the seedlings actually came from Joseph Bonaparte's Osage Orange Tree that is still standing in Point Breeze. So you can own and grow a piece of history!!! The BHS thanks Dr. Tom Ombrello, head of the Heritage Tree Project, for collecting the seeds from the Point Breeze tree, growing the seedlings, and donating them to us.

It will be a wonderful  day - we hope you can make it and visit the BHS!!

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